
(Redirected from Points Building)

A point is one form of currency, used to purchase things that unlock various parts of the game that are not immediately available. Points can be used in exchange for a Racing License, Bazaar, Display Cabinet and even more Friends and Enemies space!

You can not trade points but you can exchange points between people via faction armory.

How To Earn Points

There are several ways to earn points in Torn, this can be done by:

Buying points from the market

This is the most common source from which majority of players acquire points. See Points Market below.

A single donation of $5.00 USD will provide you with a Donator Pack which gives 60 points when used. Multiple donations of this method can yield random extra-bonus points.

Subscribe to the game

Becoming a subscriber will give you 90 points either annually or monthly (Monthly subscription gives 90 points a month, annual gives 1080 a year). There is also a daily raffle with prizes of 10,000, 5,000, 2,500 and 1,000 points.

Steal points in the Pawn Shop (Crime 1.0)

Accessible to players who are still in Crimes 1.0.

Succeeding the 13 Nerve Pawn Shop Crime (Side Door only) will give you 3-7 points. If you choose to do this crime, then be warned that if you fail, you will lose an amount of crime experience.

Submitting to the Newspaper

You can submit your Comics and Articles to the Newspaper when level 10. If published, a Comic and Article will each reward you with 250 points per.

Exchanging artifacts and other collectible sets in the Museum

All artifacts as well as complete flower sets and plushie sets can be exchanged in the Museum for points (unlocked after completing the Bachelor of History). The amount of points you can acquire ranges between 10 for a complete plushie/flower set to 10,000 for a single Egyptian amulet. This is the major source of points into the game.

Referring players to the game

If a player signs up using your referral code (found at the bottom of the city page and on the Recruit Citizens page found on the sidebar) you will be awarded with, among other things, 250 points.

Spin the Wheel

Each of the three wheels for Spin The Wheel in the Casino have a chance at winning you Points (1, 5, 25 and 100 respectively)

  • Lame has a chance at landing on a single (1) point.
  • Mediocrity has a chance at landing on 1 and 5 points.
  • Awesome has a chance at landing on 5, 25, and 100 points.

Stock Benefit Block

The (PTS) PointLess benefit block will provide you with 100 points per increment every 7 days.

Points Building

This is where you spend your points. Here are the following things you can spend points on:


  • If you have free refills you cannot use your daily refill until these have been used.
  • When you use a free merit reset it will not increase the cost of your next reset.
Points Building
Refill Energy Bar
30 Points
(Once per day, resets at New Day [precisely at 00:00])
Refill Nerve Bar
30 Points
(Once per day, resets at New Day [precisely at 00:00])
Refill Casino Tokens
30 Points
(Once per day, resets at New Day [precisely at 00:00])
Stock Ticker
50 Points
(Can only be bought once and is needed to buy / sell Stocks)
Friend Capacity
50 Points
(Can be upgraded up to maximum 500 friends)
Enemy Capacity
50 Points
(Can be upgraded up to maximum 500 enemies)
Loadout Capacity
50 Points
(This can be upgraded up to 6 / 6 times.)
Racing License
50 Points
(Can only be bought once and is needed to use the Race Track)
Display Cabinet
100 Points
(Can only be bought once and is used to display items)
(Can only be bought once and is used to sell items tax free)
One Merit
300 Points
(Can be used to buy Merits up to half your current level. I.e. a level 50 can buy up to 25)
Reset Merits
(Each reset increases the cost by 250 points up to a maximum of 5,000 points each)
Big Al's Bunker
(Unwanted advanced weapons and armor can be exchanged for bunker bucks, which can then be used to purchase fresh weapon and armor caches)

Hairstyles, backdrops and honor bars that were previously only available in the token shop are now also available for purchase in the points building:

Hairstyles - 50 Points
Backdrops - 100 Points
Honor Bars
Name Price Level Requirement
Globule 500 5
Acute 500 10
Retro 500 15
The Socialist 600 20
Jack Of All Trades 600 25
Serenity 600 30
Futurity 700 35
Constellations 700 40
Parallel 700 45
Labyrinth 700 50
Proven Capacity 800 55
Master Of One 800 60
Globally Effective 800 65
Glimmer 800 70
Supernova 900 75
Pepperoni 900 80
Resistance 1000 85
Electric Dream 1000 90
Brainz 1300 95
Survivor 1500 100

Points Market

This is where you buy and sell points. The Points Market has a cap of $100,000 per point. The average price per point on the Points Market varies according to the demand. When listing points on the Points Market, your own listing is always at the top for you. You also have the ability to remove the listing.

Related Awards

There are 4 available honor bars relating to spending points;

Point related awards

Honor Bar Image Name Requirements
266.png Energize Use 250 Energy Refills
566.png You've Got Some Nerve Use 250 Nerve Refills
334.png Compulsive Use 250 Casino Token Refills
288.png Fresh Start Reset your merits
  • It is possible to earn these honors without spending the points via free refills given through inactivity and/or free merit resets sometimes given as a gift around New Years Day.

Historical Notes

  • Newspaper reported on 30/08/24 that list of Friends and Enemies can no longer be increased beyond 500 due to the effect this has on page loading times. This change was not reported in the patch notes. [1]
  • In May 2024, the option to sell points to the the pawn shop was removed. Prior to this change, the pawn shop would always buy points at $45,000 each. You can read more about the decision here in forums and here in the newspaper article: What's the point?
  • CityWatch, a desktop application, used to be available for 50 points. The option to purchase CityWatch was removed on February 5th 2019, with all 18,970 purchases refunded.
  • You used to be able to buy a Gas Can and Laptop for 100 and 25 points respectively. These were both removed on May, 23rd 2017.
  • Donator Packs (In the form of 31 Donator days) used to be available for 100 points, this was removed in November 2010.

Patch History

Released prior to Patch list #1

Patch list #353 : 03/09/2024
  • Released Points Building changes previously announced last week
Upcoming points building changes : 27/08/24
  • Daily refills will increase in cost from 25 points to 30 points
  • The Token Shop's Hairstyles, Backdrops & Honors will also be merged into the Points Building
  • Friend and Enemy Capacity will increase from 25 points to 50 points
  • One merit will increase from 250 points to 300 points.
  • Stock Ticker will increase from 25 points to 50 points.
  • Hairstyles 50 points, Backdrops 100 points and Honors 500 points to 1500 points
Points can no longer be sold in the Pawn Shop - 04/06/24
  • The Pawn Shop will no longer buy points
Patch list #341 : 04/06/2024
  • Removed the ability to sell points to the Pawn Shop and made minor improvements to the shops interface
Patch list #194 : 01/05/21
  • Added Loadout Capacity upgrade to the Points Building to increase loadout slots up to 9.
Patch list #149 : 07/07/20
  • Changed the pawnshop point value to be static & manually adjustable (instead of dumb legacy calculation).
Patch list #126 : 28/01/19
  • Changed Trades made, Points Sold & Bazaar related personal stats to private (to prevent scripted mug stalking).
Patch list #85 : 12/03/19
  • Added maximum point amount validation on the Points market page.
  • Added shortcuts to the points input field on the Points market page.
Patch list #81 : 12/02/19
  • Added new icons for "Points building" and "Points market" links.
Patch list #80 : 05/02/19
  • Removed City Watch from the points building.
  • Added "Points building" and "Points market" links to the "Pawn shop" page.
  • Removed points market 'top right link' from auction house.
Patch list #77 : 15/01/19
  • Added quantity of free refills & free merit resets to Points Building.
Patch list #60 : 11/09/18
  • Added a second confirmation before resetting merits.
Patch list #37 : 20/03/18
  • Changed points / special refill confirmations to include clarification of effect.
Patch list #6 : 25/07/2017
  • Changed points building to make purchases available while in jail or hospital.
Patch list #3 : 04/07/2017
  • Added Points market actions to activity log

  1. Points Building Updates Explained 30/08/24 https://www.torn.com/newspaper.php#!/articles/2657