Enemies List

Your Enemies List is a list which you are able to add players to with custom descriptions. Flagged enemy players will show up in the left hand sidebar when they are online. Initial capacity starts at 10 players, and can be further increased via the points building for 50 points per 10 players (up to a maximum of 500) or via the special Book: Making Friends, Enemies, And Cakes (+100 player capacity to enemies list).

The enemies list also allows you to deny the listed player from purchasing items from you on the item market and your bazaar. This feature can be disabled.

Enemies are ordered by their description alphabetically. Descriptions of 'None' are at the top.

From your blacklist, you can view the following information about the players you have saved:

  • Online/Offline
  • Name
  • Level
  • Status - Okay, Jail, Hospital, Traveling, Federal Jail.
  • Icons
  • Description - a description you have put about them. If no description is added, shows as 'none'.

There is a company special at the Detective Agency ("Friend or Foe" special) that allows someone to see who's friended / blacklisted a specified player. You can purchase this service from someone working at a Detective Agency if you want to know who has blacklisted and friended you.

Platinum PDA

In Dubai, it is possible to purchase a Platinum PDA for 12 Billion dollars that expands the list and allows you to save additional players, increasing your maximum enemy capacity by 500.

See Also

Historical Notes

Patch List

Released prior to Patch list #1

Patch list 352 : 27/08/24
  • Added friend / enemy capacity limit of 500 to the Points Building
Patch list #92 : 07/05/19
  • Added ability to set description for Friends List and Blacklist additions via profile.
Patch list #89 : 09/04/19
  • Added displaying friend / enemy reason message on profile page when hovering over buttons.
Patch list #87 : 26/03/19
  • Added system to clear blacklists of inactive deleted accounts to remove fraudulent enemy counts.
Patch list #41 : 17/04/18
  • Added blacklist exception for mission messages on profile.