
(Redirected from City Jail)
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In Jail

City Jail is where you go when you get caught by violating city law and enter into conflict with police.

The following actions will send you to Jail:

  • Failing a Crime (getting a red result) this will result in jail time and a loss of Crime Experience.
  • Failing a Bust
  • Failing an Organised Crime (getting a jail result) this will result in jail time and a smaller loss of Crime Experience.
  • Getting arrested by another player.

There is a massive difference in jail time, it can range from ten minutes to over several hours.

Whilst in the City Jail you have restricted access to the game until you escape or are busted out.

You can do your gym training at Crims. You cannot train dexterity, but you can train the other three stats. Note that the strength and speed gains are better at Crims than the first four lightweight gyms, and the defense gains at Crims are better than ALL of the lightweight gyms and the first middleweight gym (Knuckle Heads).


Busting is an attempt to free an imprisoned person from the Jail by someone outside. The following things impact the chance to successfully bust a player from jail:

  • Perks from faction (In the Criminality tree, bust success can be increased to up to 50%)
  • Perks from Education (Law)
  • Perks from job (Working at a Law Firm makes busting easier and also shows the bust success chance)
  • Your total number of already completed busts (the more you've done the easier it is)
  • Level (Being a higher level increases the bust chance, and busting lower levels is easier)
  • Time (Multiple busts in quick succession lower success rates)

Every bust attempt costs 5 nerve, which can reduced by up to 3 with the relevant faction upgrades in the Criminality tree.

There are three possible outcomes to a busting attempt:

  • Success: The jailed player receives the event "[busting player] busted you out of jail."
  • Failure: The jailed player remains in jail and the buster loses five nerve, but is not jailed. The jailed player will receive the event "[busting player] failed to bust you out of jail."
  • Jailed: The busting player fails the bust and is also sent to jail. The jailed player receives the event "[busting player] was caught trying to bust you out of jail." A failed bust will result in jail time of one to three hours.

A player is more easily busted the lower their level and jail time is. The reason a player is in jail does not appear to be a significant factor in the difficulty of a bust[1].

Busting is an especially difficult activity for new, low-level players. The education classes in Law can help with busting for new players.

Self bust

Attempting a self bust will cost half of a player's max nerve bar (rounded up).

  • Completing the LAW2990 education reduces the self bail nerve requirement from one half to one third.

Failure when self busting will add to a player's Jail time.


In addition to busting someone, there is also the option to buy someone out of jail costing an amount in dollars equal to (100 * remaining Jail time in minutes * inmate level).

However this cost can be reduced by up to 57.25% through education and 50% through the Law Firm 1* Company Special.

You are able to buy yourself out of prison by the completion of Common law

Helpful things

You can improve your break out ability by:

  • Participating in law education courses, which can grant perks such as:
    • reduced chance of being caught when trying to escape from Jail
    • reduced amount of Nerve required to escape from Jail.
    • the ability to buy yourself out of Jail.
    • give a total 15% bonus to your skill in Busting and the same discount when buying people out of Jail.
    • Bachelor of Law makes busting 50% easier and buying out 50% cheaper.
  • Joining a 5* or better law firm. The 5* special 'Closing Argument' allows for a longer bust chain, and the 10* special 'Educated Decisions' allows you to see the success chance of your busts.
  • Using a Lawyer Business Card will instantly get you out of jail, though this item is consumed on use. It is available via LAG's stock benefit.
  • Players in the Law job who have reached the position of Trial Lawyer can get a player out of jail in exchange for 15 job points.

Related Awards

You can receive 7 medals for successful busts and there are 5 honors available for Jail related activities;

Jail related awards

Honor Bar Image Name Requirements
f.png Repeat Offender Go to jail 250 times
f.png Bar Breaker Bust 1,000 players out of jail
f.png Aiding And Abetting Bust 2,500 players out of jail
f.png Don't Drop It Bust 10,000 players out of jail
f.png Freedom Isn't Free Bail 500 players out of jail

Side notes

  • Self busting used to give a free boost to your dexterity (0.1% of current stat). This was later changed to 0.05%, before being removed.
  • Self busting used to only be possible if your jail time was lower than 200 minutes. This was since removed because of a bug report.
  • Definitive information on busting and crime experience can be found in this announcement from May, 2014.
  • In the past, your dexterity contributed to your bust success chance, but this is no longer the case.

See Also

Patch History

Released prior to Patch list #1

Patch list #185 : 23/03/21
  • Changed hospital time to override & replace jail time (can no longer be in both at once).
  • Changed faction money & points depositing to not be possible while in hospital or jail.
Patch list #171 : 08/12/20
  • Added link to 'Jail' after using alcohol.
Jail crime experience loss
  • Now, upon going to jail, the maximum crime experience you can lose is a static value of around 20x what you would have gained upon success. If this loss is more than 1% of your total crime experience, then 1% will be removed instead.
Patch list #164 : 20/10/20
  • Changed crime exp loss upon jail to be far less significant.
Patch list #152 : 28/07/20
  • Updated main backgrounds for regular / jail / hospital / abroad states.
Patch list #131 : 03/03/20
  • Changed attack log results to 'Interrupted' instead of 'Escaped' when target goes to hospital / jail during attack.
Patch list #128 : 11/02/20
  • Added auto-leave when defeating a target and then being jailed (I.e. via organised crime).
Patch list #61 : 18/09/18
  • Changed stock market to allow access while in Hospital / Jail.
Patch list #44 : 15/05/18

Disabled blood withdrawal and some various boosters while in jail.

Patch list #20 : 14/11/17
  • Changed jail/hospital page access permissions while hosped/jailed at the same time.

  1. Nosy, Advanced Jail Bust Guide (22/10/20)