
Bootlegging is the second Crime released for Crimes 2.0. It is a Counterfeiting crime.

Bootlegging contains the following subcrimes:

  • Copy DVDs (requires a Personal Computer, Laptop or Gold Laptop)
  • Sell counterfeit DVDs (requires in stock DVDs)
  • Set up online store (requires level 50, completion of the "CMT2230 Web Design and Development" Education course and a computer)

Bootlegging requires players to use Blank DVDs. Blank DVDs can be added to the crime interface from a player's inventory. Once DVDs are made into copied DVDs, they can be sold via the "Sell counterfeit DVDs" crime.

The Crime Enhancer used for Bootlegging is the item: High-Speed Drive

Note: It is possible to have a critical fail when copying DVDs in which a player will lose their High-Speed Drive enhancer or PC.

Copy DVDs

Requirements: Possession of a Computer, Blank DVDs

"Copy DVDs" is a two nerve Bootlegging subcrime that will take DVDs out of a player's stock within the crime interface (but not the player's inventory) to create copied DVDs. A player will need to have Blank DVDs items to add blank DVDs to the crime interface.

There are eight types of copied DVDs that a player can keep in stock and the number of DVDs copied with each attempt increases with Bootlegging crime skill level. This subcrime will not gain the player cash alone, as the DVDs must be sold via the other Bootlegging subcrimes.

Critical fails for Copy DVDs can send a player to jail for between 1 hour and 54 minutes and 3 hours and 2 minutes, the loss of a player's High-Speed Drive or Personal Computer, as well as the loss of cash, health, or blank DVDs that are already in the crime interface.

DVDs are not produced instantly and players will have to wait for their DVDs to finish before selling. DVDS are produced about one second faster for every five Bootlegging crime skill levels, and production time is halved if a player has a High Speed Drive in their inventory.

Sell counterfeit DVDs

Requirements: Copied DVDs in stock

"Sell counterfeit DVDs" is a five nerve Bootlegging subcrime that allows players to sell the DVDs created in the "Copy DVDs" is a two nerve subcrime. The amount of money received from attempting this subcrime is based on stock levels of copied DVDs. Having larger amounts of DVDs in stock and making sure all genres are stocked will both increase payouts from this subcrime.

Some types of DVDs sell more stock than others; Action DVDs sell the most on average, followed by Fantasy DVDs, then Comedy DVDs, Thriller DVDs, Horror/Romance DVDs, with SCi-Fi DVDs selling the fewest stock on average.

Critical fails for Sell counterfeit DVDs can send a player to jail for between 1 hour and 44 minutes and 3 hours and 30 minutes.

Unique Outcomes for "Sell counterfeit DVDs"
Level Required Item Image Item Name
55 N/A 500 Special Ammo
70 large.png Lottery Voucher
85 large.png Rosary Beads
100 large.png Erotic DVD

Set up online store

Requirements: Bootlegging Skill Level 50, a computer, completion of "CMT2230 Web Design and Development"

"Set up online store" is a ten nerve Bootlegging subcrime. Attempting the subcrime will add to the progress necessary to set up the online store. Small amounts of cash will also be used upon each attempt, with larger amounts of cash contributing to a higher progress.

Once complete, the online store will passively sell a player's DVD stock. At this point, the subcrime name will change to "Collect funds" and will become a one nerve subcrime, which will collect the money made from passive DVD sales.

Crime skill experience is gained passively when DVDs in the online store sell, not as the funds are collected.

There is an Activity Log filter for "Crime critical fail lose online store," but this is not currently known to have ever happened.

Patch History

Released in Patch list #295

Patch list 330 : 19/03/24
  • Changed all three quantity variants of blank DVDs into a single "Blank DVDs" item containing 250 individuals
  • Changed Bootlegging's 'Add DVDs' tooltip to use the single item 'Blank DVDs' for consistency with other crimes
Patch list 329 : 12/03/24
  • Changed Bootlegging's Blank DVD container to show a silhouette DVD if there are none currently added
Patch list 325 : 13/02/24
  • Added the ability to toggle Bootlegging's online store on or off
Patch list 323 : 23/01/24
  • Changed bootlegging to select the 'Action' genre by default if none is previously selected
