Box of Medical Supplies
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Box of Medical Supplies #365
A box of medical supplies, courtesy of the Torn City Health Service.
Provides 20 Morphine, 20 Empty Blood Bags, 30 First Aid Kits, or 50 Small First Aid Kits when opened.
Supply Pack
Box of Medical Supplies is a Supply Pack item that can be found in the city. It can also be acquired via THS's Benefit Block, and as a Subscriber Reward
Possible Contents
Upon opening the Box of Medical Supplies, the player will receive one of the rewards listed below
Item | Function |
30 First Aid Kits | -40 mins Hospital time, +10% life; 15 mins Medical cooldown |
20 Morphine | -70 mins Hospital time, +15% life; 20 mins Medical cooldown |
50 Small First Aid Kits | -20 mins Hospital time, +5% life; 10 mins Medical cooldown |
20 Empty Blood Bags | -30% life; 1 hour Medical cooldown |