Tin of Treats

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Tin of Treats #1298
Looking to indulge your sweet tooth? Then pop open this Tin of Treats and feast upon the sugary goodness inside. Each tin contains six random candies, including Jawbreakers, Pixie Sticks, Candy Kisses, Tootsie Rolls, Chocolate Truffles, and Sherbet. And if your favorite pet has just died, or your partner has left you for a younger lover, nobody could judge you for shoving the whole lot right in your miserable gob.
Provides 6 premium candies when opened.
Supply Pack

Tin of Treats is a Supply Pack item that provides 6 premium candies when opened.

Tin of Treats can be obtained:

  • as a Subscriber Reward.
  • when Shoplifting Sally's Sweet Shop as unique result at skill 100 and cameras are disabled.
  • at random, when exchanging treats obtained from Trick or Treat event, while having Tier IV upgrade named "Multipack".

Possible Contents

Upon opening the Tin of Treats, the player will receive a total of 6 premium candies, randomly chosen from the list below

Item Cooldown Benefit
Jawbreaker 30 Minutes + 150 Happiness
Pixie Sticks 30 Minutes + 150 Happiness
Bag of Candy Kisses 30 Minutes + 50 Happiness
Bag of Tootsie Rolls 30 Minutes + 75 Happiness
Bag of Chocolate Truffles 30 Minutes + 100 Happiness
Bag of Sherbet 30 Minutes + 150 Happiness

Patch History

Released in Patch list #