Bag of Chocolate Truffles
Bag of Chocolate Truffles #529

With a chocolate ganache center coated in chocolate, nothing tastes better. Provides a large happiness increase when consumed.
Increases happiness by 100 and booster cooldown by 30 minutes.
Sell Price
Bag of Chocolate Truffles is a Candy item that can acquired during the annual Trick or Treat and Christmas Town event or when opening Tin of Treats or Goodie Bag.
This item can be sold for $75 at Sally's Sweet Shop.
Bag of Chocolate Truffles can be found from following crimes:
- Sally's Sweet Shop (quantity one)
- Sally's Sweet Shop (quantity two) (unique)
- Suburban Home (quantity three)
- Dockside Warehouse (quantity four)
Eating a Bag of Chocolate Truffles will increase the players happiness by 100, and will also increase their booster cooldown by 30 minutes.