Christmas Town

Christmas Town is an annual competition.


Historically this competition runs for roughly 20 days. When this is though depends on when devs have finished work on it. Keep a close eye on the newspaper or winter newsletter to find out when this is due to start! All we can say is that it's due for beginning to mid December!

2018 Rumours:

According to a newspaper article alluding to a new "Calendar" system the competition is scheduled from 15 December until at least the 31st of December


Christmas Town features an array of prizes, such as:

  • Random loot that can be found whilst walking around, this includes random items, with new items added each year.
  • Daily gifts from Santa! Santa will roam around the map during the entire event, each day you can find him and get a present!
  • Daily mini games! Each day you can walk to a variety of "Tents", all of which feature a different mini game in which you can win Christmas Bucks and Prize Coupons and compete with your faction & friends!
  • Through the aforementioned means you can also find "tickets" which you can trade in for even more loot at the local shops!
  • Snow Globe ornaments are assigned to player made maps and can be obtained by completing their map (indicated with a ? icon on the maps list). Snow Globes will offer a slight increase in items spawns.
  • But beware, not all is fun! The Grinch will, as well as Santa, roam the fields of Christmas Town, out for your keys and tickets!

Prize Coupons

  • During the Christmas Town event, each completed mini-game awards one Prize Coupon, with a maximum of five coupons obtainable per day.
  • Each game will also provide between 0 and 3 Christmas Bucks.
  • Prize coupons can be redeemed at designated Coupon Exchanges for a variety of items.
  • Players must exchange all their coupons at once.
  • Any unexchanged Prize Coupons will be carried over to the next Christmas Town event.

Christmas Buck

Christmas Buck can be received from:

  • visiting Santa (between 0 and 3)
  • opening a chest (between 0 and 3)
  • playing mini-games (between 0 and 3)

Players can also earn Christmas Bucks by landing on the Christmas Buck outcome when spinning the Christmas Wheel, where they will receive a reward of 5 Christmas Bucks.


Chests containing a variety of items can be found throughout Christmas Town. Some chests require a player to obtain a key, which are used to open chests of the same type. Other chests have a 3 digit combination lock that the player must solve in order to open it.


Image Name Effect
bucks-1.png Christmas Buck These bucks can be spent in gift shops
keys-91.png Bronze Key This key can be used to open Bronze Chests
keys-92.png Silver Key This key can be used to open Silver Chests
keys-93.png Golden Key This key can be used to open Golden Chests
coupon-3.png Prize Coupon This coupon can be gained by playing 5 games daily and can be exchanged for items at the coupon exchange tent.


Image Name How to Play
CyGcxum.png Christmas Wreath Find and click on the decorations before the time runs out. 97,6
XXki0Fh.png Gingerbread Men Catch the falling gingerbread men in your basket. You lose a life if they fall to the ground. 68,28
eTQPGE4.png Hangman Identify the Christmas themed word by clicking the letters. Be careful as you only get a limited amount of tries. 82,25
3dw3kVa.png Present Pick Simply pick a present to win its contents. Easy! 60,24
9as3stY.png Santa Claws Seek out any cat or dog and click on them before the time runs out. 82,5
xWcwLQ3.png Snowball Shooter Shoot the Grinch and avoid anything else! The quicker you shoot him, the better your score! 75,27
GZHrIP5.png Word Fixer Unscramble the letters to make a Christmas themed word. 73,11
vYSINMZ.png Garland Assemble Rotate the pieces so that they make a continuous path from start to finish 76,6
pMeDDAZ.png Spin The Wheel Spin the wheel and win the prize you land on! 83,21
wobR6JO.png Pot Be the last person to deposit an item to win the whole pot! 79,23
Typocalypse Type the words as fast as you can to remove them from the conveyor! 70,4

Spin the Wheel

Awards from the Christmas Town Spin the Wheel are following:


Beer Tent

You can spend your Christmas bucks on Torns finest Christmas cocktails and beers.

Image Item Cost
large.png Glass of Beer 1 buck
large.png Bottle of Beer 1 buck
large.png Bottle of Kandy Kane 2 bucks
large.png Bottle of Minty Mayhem 4 bucks
large.png Bottle of Christmas Cocktail 4 bucks

Candy Shop

You can spend your Christmas bucks on delicious candy from Candy Kisses to Pixie Sticks and Jawbreakers.

Image Item Name Quantity
large.png Bag of Candy Kisses 1 buck
large.png Bag of Tootsie Rolls 1 buck
large.png Bag of Reindeer Droppings 2 bucks
large.png Bag of Chocolate Truffles 2 bucks
large.png Pixie Sticks 4 bucks
large.png Jawbreaker 5 bucks

Gift Shop

You can spend your Christmas bucks on Holiday collectables which include Mistletoe, Gingerbread Houses, Festive Socks, Sprig of Holly, Christmas Angels and Turkey Basters.

Image Item Name Quantity
large.png Sprig of Holly 3 bucks
large.png Christmas Angel 5 bucks
large.png Festive Socks 10 bucks
large.png Turkey Baster 50 bucks
large.png Gingerbread House 100 bucks
large.png Mistletoe 100 bucks

Ornaments Shop


You can spend your Christmas bucks on Speed Ornaments, which help to improve your walking speed within Christmas Town.

Image Name Speed Cost
ornaments-45-stall.png Snowshoe Ornament +5% walkspeed 30 bucks
ornaments-46-stall.png Skis Ornament +5% walkspeed 85 bucks
ornaments-47-stall.png Snowboard Ornament +5% walkspeed 120 bucks
ornaments-48-stall.png Sleigh Ornament +5% walkspeed 270 bucks
ornaments-49-stall.png Snowmobile Ornament +5% walkspeed 495 bucks


Image Name Effect
ornaments-1.png Handgun Ornament Increases your item spawn rate by 1%
ornaments-2.png SMG Ornament Increases your item spawn rate by 2%
ornaments-3.png Shotgun Ornament Increases your item spawn rate by 3%
ornaments-4.png Rifle Ornament Increases your item spawn rate by 4%
ornaments-5.png Grenade Ornament Increases your item spawn rate by 1%
ornaments-6.png Dagger Ornament Increases your item spawn rate by 1%
ornaments-7.png Axe Ornament Increases your item spawn rate by 1%
ornaments-8.png Chainsaw Ornament Increases your item spawn rate by 2%
ornaments-9.png Crowbar Ornament Increases your item spawn rate by 1%
ornaments-10.png Taser Ornament Increases your item spawn rate by 2%
ornaments-11.png Sword Ornament Increases your item spawn rate by 2%
ornaments-12.png Shrooms Ornament Increases your item spawn rate by 1%
ornaments-13.png Cannabis Ornament Increases your item spawn rate by 1%
ornaments-14.png Ninja Star Ornament Increases your item spawn rate by 2%
ornaments-15.png Brick Ornament Increases your item spawn rate by 1%
ornaments-16.png Rope Ornament Increases your item spawn rate by 3%
ornaments-17.png Wreath Ornament Increases your item spawn rate by 3%
ornaments-18.png Present Ornament Increases your item spawn rate by 3%
ornaments-19.png Snowball Ornament Increases your item spawn rate by 3%
ornaments-20.png ? Ornament Increases your item spawn rate by ?
ornaments-21.png Cat Ornament Increases your item spawn rate by 3%
ornaments-22.png Gingerbread Ornament Increases your item spawn rate by 3%
ornaments-23.png ? Ornament Increases your item spawn rate by ?
ornaments-24.png Word Ornament Increases your item spawn rate by 3%
ornaments-25.png T Ornament Increases your item spawn rate by 5%
ornaments-26.png O Ornament Increases your item spawn rate by 5%
ornaments-27.png R Ornament Increases your item spawn rate by 5%
ornaments-28.png N Ornament Increases your item spawn rate by 5%
ornaments-53.png Garland Ornament Increases your item spawn rate by 3%
ornaments-52.png Typing Ornament Increases your item spawn rate by 3%

Speed Ornaments

Image Name Effect Cost
ornaments-45.png Snowshoes Ornament Increases walk speed by 5% 30 Christmas Bucks
ornaments-46.png Skis Ornament Increases walk speed by 5% 85 Christmas Bucks
ornaments-48.png Snowboard Ornament Increases walk speed by 5% 120 Christmas Bucks
ornaments-47.png Sleigh Ornament Increases walk speed by 5% 270 Christmas Bucks
ornaments-49.png Snowmobile Ornament Increases walk speed by 5% 495 Christmas Bucks

Snow Globes

Image Name Map Effect
ornaments-43.png Tree Christmas Town Increases your item spawn rate by 1%
ornaments-37.png Labyrinth Chedburn Towers Increases your item spawn rate by 1%
ornaments-30.png Car Kiss My Festivus 19 Increases your item spawn rate by 1%
ornaments-33.png Gravestone Holiday Terror Increases your item spawn rate by 1%
ornaments-39.png Sawmill Stanley Hotel Increases your item spawn rate by 1%
ornaments-34.png House Pokemon CT v2.0 Increases your item spawn rate by 1%
ornaments-41.png Ship Wheel Among Us +50% loot! Increases your item spawn rate by 1%
ornaments-32.png Gargoyle DoggoQuest Increases your item spawn rate by 1%
ornaments-42.png Skates Winter in Gatlin Increases your item spawn rate by 1%
ornaments-38.png Puzzle Kidnapped Santa Increases your item spawn rate by 1%
ornaments-31.png Fairground Maltese Snow Globe Increases your item spawn rate by 1%
ornaments-36.png Jail Long Way From Home Increases your item spawn rate by 1%
ornaments-44.png Twinkle Police Navidad Increases your item spawn rate by 1%
ornaments-35.png Industrial Goblin King Quest Increases your item spawn rate by 1%
ornaments-40.png Scarecrow Rickmas Torn Increases your item spawn rate by 1%
ornaments-56.png Ambulance Christmystery Town Increases your item spawn rate by 1%
ornaments-59.png Seraphim Legend of Torn Increases your item spawn rate by 1%


  • You can chat with people you meet around you, and can also see them move.
  • Due to the nature of Christmas Town, it can feature special events and/or additions throughout, be on the lookout for these!
  • There are random chances to be sent to the "First Aid Tents" or the Christmas Town Jail while walking around.
  • In 2019, Snow Globes were added to Christmas Town so that player made maps can offer a prize for completing them.
  • Maps that have a storyline or goal are most likely to be awarded a Snow Globe ornament.

Competition Tokens

  • This competition has no tokens to be won.

Historical Notes

  • You used to be able to get sent to Hospital or Jail, but since Christmas Town 2017, this was removed.
  • There used to be a limit of how many steps you could make in a single day. This was removed in Christmas Town 2017.
  • Christmas Town prior to 2016 was much simpler; featuring a static map, loot always in the same place, and static quests.

Patch History

Released prior to Patch list #1

Patch list #271 : 27/12/22
  • Changed how owned ornaments are shown in the Ornament store
  • Fixed unexpected auto-walking when tapping on someone's avatar on touchscreen devices
  • Fixed NPC interaction failing to check a user's travel, hospital, and jail conditions
  • Fixed NPC chest clues being unintuitively shown as "N/A" when no chests are available
  • Fixed hats becoming invisible to other players after teleporting
  • Fixed round level resetting issue with Snowball Shooter and Santa Claws mini games
  • Fixed taps on the Grinch failing to register during Snowball Shooter on touchscreen devices
  • Fixed highscores placement issues on the mini-game scoreboards
  • Fixed rare Santa reward duplication issue caused by a racing condition
Christmas Town 2021 : 14/12/21
  • Added new mini-game Typocalypse
  • Added Prize Coupons which are now provided by completing mini-games (up to 5 can be claimed per day)
  • Added Coupon Exchanges which will exchange Prize Coupons for items
  • Changed adventure maps (those with Snow Globes) to have a 50% higher chance of spawning loot
  • Changed mini-games to be playable over and over again (wins still only provide single rewards per day)
  • Changed Combination Chests so that green (correct) digits are no longer locked into position
Patch list #118 : 19/11/19
  • Opened the Christmas Town Editor to the public (Level 10+).
Christmas Town 2018 : 18/12/18
  • Several new mechanics have been added, including controlled gates and emotes. Many new areas will be opening up over the next two weeks, so keep an eye out.
Patch list #74 : 18/12/18
  • Releasing Christmas Town 2018 (Staged release in progress today).
Christmas Town 2017 : 19/12/17
  • Improved graphics & a new world to explore.
  • Visually smooth movement from cell to cell.
  • No longer limited by steps, explore for as long as you like.
  • Item spawn frequency decreases with each spawn and recovers after a few hours.
  • You can now navigate diagonally as well as left / right / up / down.
  • No more hospital / jail time: You'll be sent to the first aid tent instead.
  • 8 mini-game tents available with friends & faction top scores and daily prizes.
  • Three number combination chests.
  • Bronze, Silver & Gold keys and chests.
  • Roaming Santa who'll give you a daily gift if you can find him.
  • Roaming Grinch who you should really try to avoid.
  • Christmas Bucks currency which can be exchanged in various gift shops.
  • Special collectable ornaments that increase future item spawn rates.
  • Different movement speeds depending on situations & tile type.
  • Visible coordinates in top right of HUD.
  • Areas system which tells you where you are.
Patch list #25 : 19/12/17
  • Released Christmas Town 2017.