Spray Paint : Orange

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Spray Can: Orange #863
This aerosol can contains approximately 400ml of orange spray paint. The orange items displayed on the can include a satsuma, cheetos, a kinky drawing of Garfield, and the Pornhub logo stencilled onto Donald Trump's face.
Used to spray graffiti.
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Spray Can: Orange is an Other item that can be found as part of a unique result from the "Search the Founatin" subcrime that gives three Spray Can: Orange along with four pink, and three each of the blue and purple spray can varieties. It can also be purchased from Bits 'n' Bobs as of 11 July 2023. [1]

A spray can is required to do the Graffiti crime.

Patch History

Released in Patch list #

New item categories: Tools & Materials : 01/04/24
  • The following item names have been changed so they fit better within their new categories: Spray Can -> Spray Paint
  1. Esgovator, Spray Cans in bits in bobs (11/07/23)