Losing life points
- If your life runs out by any means, you will be sent to Hospital, where your life will regenerate over time, and you will be given a hospital timer. You will remain in hospital until the timer runs out, even if your life is fully restored. This timer can be reduced with the use of certain Medical items
- Life is primarily used when attacking/defending and is lost by opponents hitting you for damage.
- You can lose life from multiple opponents attacking you at once, and this will show when you're attacking also.
- On being hospitalised by a drug overdose your life with drop to 1.
- Losing a game of Russian Roulette will also make your life 1.
- Being hospitalised by a crime will also drop your life to 1.
- Using the wrong type of blood bag and being blown up by a SED are other ways of putting your life to 1.
Zero life in combat
- When your life reaches zero, you have lost a battle. If you were the attacker, you are sent to Hospital and your life will be 1.
- You will remain on zero life and out of hospital until an attacker chooses 'Leave', 'Mug' or 'Hospitalise", after which you will be in hospital with 1 health point. If the attacker clicks out of the attack once they've defeated you, you will remain on 0 health until the next health regeneration point.
- Whilst on zero health you are unable to travel, attack or be attacked as you are 'unconscious'.
Life Regeneration
- You start on 100 life, which will increase until level 100 where life is 5000. The maximum life (with merit upgrades) is 7500.
- Your life will regenerate by 5% of your total life every 5 minutes.
- You can restore your own life with the use of certain Medical items
- There are several perks that can increase the rate of life regeneration.
How much life can I get
The maximum amount of life you can have is as follows:
- Without any upgrades: 5000
- With only 10/10 merits: 7500
- With merits + Faction specials: 9000
- With merits + Faction Specials + Mining corporation: 9900
This spreadsheet can be used to calculate life specific to any level with any combination of merits and faction specials.
Previously one would be able to spend Job Points from the medical profession to receive extra life. This ability was removed during an update designed to re-balance health, there is currently no way to increase life other than Merits. Prior to Attacking 2.0 on 28/10/14, the following were mechanics of the old system. You start out with 500 life, for each level you upgrade you gain life equal to 50 x your new level.
- It was possible to decrease your maximum life by overdosing on the drug Xanax which lowers your life points by 50 per overdose bringing you to a minimum of 5 life.