
Blowtorch is a Material item that can be found as a result from crimes.
It is required for the Forgery crime during the production of Police Badges.
Blowtorch can be found randomly through city finds, and as a result from the following crimes:
- Mobster (quantity one)
- Tool Shed (quantity one)
- Mobile Home (quantity one)
- Farm Storage Unit (quantity one)
Blowtorch can be sold for $65 at Bits 'n' Bobs.
Having a Blowtorch in a player's inventory is required for the firing step of Police Badge projects.
One unit of Blowtorch may be consumed to increase the amount of charges available to 100%. Each attempt at firing a Police Badge will use 25% of the available Blowtorch charges.
Historical Notes
Blowtorches were first introduced with the release of Burglary during Crimes 2.0's early access on 12 September 2023, found by burglarizing some residential and industrial targets.
The Blowtorch was originally an Other item. It was updated to a Material item on 01 April 2024.