Soccer Ball
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Soccer Ball #270

Named the Telstar, this iconic football was the official inflatable orb of the 1970 World Cup in Mexico. Consisting of 12 black pentagons and 20 white hexagons, the Telstar was designed to be more visible during black and white television broadcasts, even though hot pink and glitter would've stood out more. Nobody is quite sure why this football is so popular in Argentina, especially as 1970 was the only year they failed to qualify for the World Cup. One theory posits that the ball is often deflated and used as a makeshift toilet to disrespect the tournament's eventual winner and Argentina's hated neighbour, Brazil.
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Soccer Ball is an Other item that can be found in Torn.
This item can be sold for $30
Patch History
Released in Patch list #
- Changed the item description of the Soccer Ball to better reflect its model