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Fertilizer #1226

Bombs and blooms are well served by this high-quality fertilizer courtesy of the Lo Squalo waste management company. While many commercial fertilizers advertise themselves as nitrate-free, Lo Squalo's nutrient-rich compost has five times the nitrate levels of our best-selling competitor. Made from 104% recycled organic matter harvested from the city dump, there's a piece of yous in every sack.
Sell Price
Fertilizer is an Other item that can be found as a result from crimes.
It currently has no use outside of being sold.
The Fertilizer can be found as a result of the following crimes:
- Search the Cemetery (quantity one)
- Tool Shed (quantity two)
- Farmhouse (quantity two)
- Self-Storage Facility (quantity one)
- Farm Storage Unit (quantity one)
- Fertilizer Plant (quantity one to twenty)
Fertilizer currently has no use outside of being sold, but may be used in a future crime.