Small Explosive Device
Small Explosive Device #380

A very small explosive device. Generally used in parcels to give the opener a nasty surprise.
Can be hidden inside a parcel to hospitalize someone for 5 hours upon opening.
Small Explosive Device is a Special item that can be found in Torn.
A Small Explosive Device can be placed inside an Empty Box, turning it into a Parcel. It may then be disguised as a random item if no other items were added, or as one of the items added to the Empty Box along with the Small Explosive Device.
When opened, the person who opened the parcel, will be blown up and may be sent to the hospital for 5 hours.
Hospitalization time may be reduced by:
- Faction Fortitude Branch, which can reduce all hospital times up to 25%.
- Slash Wednesday (December 10th - 12th) where all hospital times are reduced by 75%.
- Book : Medical Degree Schmedical Degree, which reduces all hospital times by 50%.
Any additional items in the parcel will also be destroyed.
Opening two or more Small Explosive Devices will not stack hospital time.
Small Explosive Device will not provide any medical cooldown.
Small Explosive Device can be acquired via following methods:
- when exchanging 100 job points at 7* Farm.
- as unique outcome when burglarizing Old Factory
- when available, then purchasing from Mission shop for ~1340 credits(this amount varies)
- as city find
Patch History
Released in Patch list #
- Changed Small Explosive Devices to refresh hospital time up to 5 hours rather than continuously stacking