
The Restaurant company is a player owned company that starts with a maximum of 4 employees until upgraded by the director. The start up cost of one is $1,000,000.


Job Specials
Stars Name Cost (Job Points) Effect
1 Free Meals 1 3 energy
3 Butcher Passive 10% melee weapon damage
5 Flambayed 50 Flamethrower
7 Healthy Diet Passive 2% life regeneration per tick
10 Professional Metabolism Passive 25% consumable cooldown reduction
  • For the purposes of the 10* special, 'consumables' refers to only energy drinks, candy, and alcohol.

Job Positions

Job Positions
Rank Recommended Stats Stat Gains Special
Waiter 2,500 END / 1,250 MAN 38 END / 19 MAN None
Sous Chef 4,000 INT / 2,000 END 41 INT / 21 END Trainer
Head Chef 5,000 END / 2,500 INT 43 END / 22 INT Manager
Kitchen Assistant 1,500 MAN / 750 END 34 MAN / 17 END Cleaner
Head Waiter 4,000 END / 2,000 INT 41 END / 21 INT Secretary
Line Cook 2,500 INT / 1,250 MAN 38 INT / 19 MAN None
Chef 3,000 INT / 1,500 MAN 39 INT / 20 MAN None
Apprentice Chef 1,500 INT / 750 MAN 34 INT / 17 MAN None
Dishwasher 1,500 MAN / 750 END 34 MAN / 17 END None


Name Cost RRP
Starter Course Cannot be ordered $20
Main Course Cannot be ordered $95
Dessert Course Cannot be ordered $30
Beverage $1 $10
Bottle of Wine $40 $100


Company Size Upgrades
4 employeesStartup
5 employees$100,000
6 employees$200,000
7 employees$300,000
8 employees$400,000
9 employees$500,000
10 employees$600,000
Staff Room Upgrades
Small roomStartup
Small staff room$25,000
Standard staff room$50,000
Large staff room$75,000
Very large staff room$100,000
Huge staff room$125,000
Colossal staff room$150,000
Warehouse Upgrades
Small roomStartup
Standard room$50,000
Large room$100,000
Huge room$150,000
Large warehouse$250,000
Huge warehouse$300,000

Patch History

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