Phosphorus #1263

If you were to blend salmon, pork, parmesan cheese, brazil nuts, and pumpkin seeds, you'd create a disgusting fishy little pig patty that was incredibly high in phosphorous. Within biological organisms, phosphorous is involved in the formation of DNA, among other things. Outside of meaty flesh-bags, phosphorous is an important ingredient in fertilizers, matches, and pyrotechnics. Without this chemical element, you wouldn't be able to enjoy a smoke during a Rammstein concert while eating a home-grown tomato.
Sell Price
Phosphorus is an Other item.
Phosphorus can be found from following crimes:
- Commercial Targets
- Self-Storage Facility (quantity one)
- Industrial Targets
- Farm Storage Unit (quantity one)
- Foundry (quantity four)
- Fertilizer Plant (quantity two, six)
Historical Notes
- June 15, 2023 - Item updated from Collectible to Other
- February 14, 2022 - Item updated from Other to Collectible
Phosphorus was unreleased Collectible item.