Nitrous Tank

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Nitrous Tank #1200
Nitrous Oxide, commonly known as laughing gas, is a staple of both dentist's waiting rooms and the Fast and Furious movies. After being inhaled by a human, N²O is known to create brief feelings of euphoria, relaxation, and pain relief. When this gas is introduced to the engine of a vehicle, it allows the vehicle to achieve a higher rate of fuel combustion, increasing its speed and acceleration. The effects of this gas on sentient machines like Optimus Prime, Lightning McQueen, or Robocop have yet to be determined.
Sell Price

Nitrous Tank is an Other item that can be found in Torn.

It currently has no use outside of being sold. As it can be sold to the Recycling Center, no use is planned for the item in the foreseeable future.

Patch History

Released in Patch list #