Bull Semen

Bull Semen #1247
This vial contains a potent blend of semen extracted from the most virile bulls in Torn City. The motility and morphology of these sperm is so impressive that they have been seen punching through solid steel chastity devices in order to reach the egg. As viscose as cold treacle, this executive bovine seed is almost impossible to clean off when spilled on your trousers. Try explaining that to your spouse.
Sell Price
Release Date
14th February 2022

Bull Semen is an Other item.

There is no use for Bull Semen currently.

Bull Semen can be found only from the following crime:

Historical Notes

  • June 15, 2023 - Item type updated from Collectible to Other
  • February 14, 2022 - Item type updated from Other to Collectible

Patch History

Released in Patch list #