Book : Mailing Yourself Abroad
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Book : Mailing Yourself Abroad #766
Ever wonder how mail seems to arrive so much faster at its destination than people do? Ervington Winterbottom did, so he decided to try something out. Over a period of three months he shipped 84 individually boxed kittens to various destinations across the country. On each occasion Winterbottom then attempted to arrive at his parcel's destination before his pussy packages using conventional public transport, and he failed every single time. Despite the unfortunate felines suffocating to death during each journey Ervington knew he had stumbled upon something life-changing, and to this day he saves thousands of pounds and hours every year shipping himself and his family to exotic destinations around the world. Mailing Yourself Abroad is the essential guide to cheap and easy international travel, and within minutes of reading it you'll be taping yourself up for the trip of a lifetime.
Reduces all travel times by 25% for 31 days.
Book : Mailing Yourself Abroad is a Books item that can be acquired either as Subscriber Reward, purchased from a mission shop or found as city find.
This item is a untradable item, meaning it cannot be sold on the item market, traded, or sent to another player. Additionally, you cannot trash this item.
Book : Mailing Yourself Abroad reduces all travel times by 25% for 31 days and is stacked with other travel methods.
Travel times with a book to all destinations