Book : Get Drunk And Lose Dignity
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Book : Get Drunk And Lose Dignity #781
Hollywood is littered with tales of tinseltown stars losing their minds in a haze of drunken debauchery, with Marlon Brando, Alec Guinness, Colin Farrell and Betty White all falling foul of the demon drink at one point or another. But one woman outstrips them all - Lindsay Lohan. The enchanting tale of the silver screen's hepatitis typhoon is brought to life in this exquisite anthology of crayon drawings and doodles. If you've always wanted to puke like a Hollywood starlet then this story will both inspire and disgust you, as you are taken on a veritable rollercoaster of booze, bitching, and blowjobs behind dumpsters.
Doubles alcohol effects for 31 days.
Book : Get Drunk And Lose Dignity is a Books item that can be found in Torn.