Bag of Humbugs

Bag of Humbugs #1039
Bah, Humbug! So sayeth Scrooge McDuck in the 1983 movie Mickey's Christmas Carol. These delicious boiled sweets are flavored with peppermint. Provides a large happiness increase when consumed.
Increases happiness by 150 and booster cooldown by 30 minutes.
Sell Price

Bag of Humbugs is a Candy item that is dropped by DUKE [4] into the dump every year since 2019.

This item can be sold for $40 at Sally's Sweet Shop.

10000 x Bag of Humbugs were dropped into the dump by DUKE [4] during his Christmas Duke's Dump Giveaway:


Eating a Bag of Humbugs will increase the players happiness by 150, and will also increase their booster cooldown by 30 minutes.

Patch History

Released in Patch list #