Party Popper

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Party Popper #1178
Party Poppers form an essential part of the Christmas dining experience, as no meal is complete without having to pick ribbons of gravy-soaked tissue off your dinner plate. Each Party Popper contains roughly 0.016g of explosive material, meaning you would need 12,000 of these to make your own yuletide grenade. Alternatively, you could just equip one of these as a temporary weapon and fire it at your opponent's face, as doing so will drape them in pretty little streamers. How cute!
Opponent becomes Festive, decreasing melancholy to 1/5th for 24 hours.
Sell Price
Weapon Info
Weapon Type
Accuracy Range
200 - 200

Party Popper is a Temporary weapon that was placed in the dump and given to players by DUKE [4] for Christmas 2021.

When a player is hit by a Party Popper, the background of their character during attacks is changed to include confetti for 24 hours.

Patch History

Released in Patch list #