
Lanyard #1382
Lanyards are the official accessory of the conference-attending professional. This item's patented Dangle technology allows the wearer to fix their ID badge around their neck, leaving their hands free to gesticulate and grope as desired. In the past, ID badges had to be pinned to the chest, a situation that often resulted in ruined clothes and nicked nips. But these concerns are a thing of the past thanks to mankind's invention of the trusty lanyard—a milestone that will surely be placed alongside the wheel, the internet, and cow's milk as one of our species' finest achievements.
Used during the production of forgery projects.
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Release Date
15th March, 2024

Lanyard is a Material item that can purchased from Print Store for $20.


Lanyard is used in Forgery crime.

Historical Notes

Lanyard was made available for purchase in the Print Store on 13th of December.

Patch History

Released in Patch list #